VTL Integrated Amplifiers

VTL Integrated Amplifiers are available for audition and purchase at our expansive showroom. For more information or questions, call the shop at (619) 223-8151

VTL IT-85 Integrated Amplifier

The VTL IT-85 Integrated Amplifier is designed for those who seek the simplicity of a single chassis system, but with the performance of separates. Designed with a fully active preamplifier stage, the IT-85 delivers a hearty 60 watts per channel with the sonic characteristic that is similar to our well regarded ST-85 Stereo amplifier and the TL2.5 preamplifier combination – fast, musical 3-D sound, and solid bass support that VTL is known for.

The IT-85 is a full linestage preamp and power amplifier in one chassis, and the linestage section has sufficient gain and a buffered output to be able to drive a subwoofer through the preamp out. The headphone section of the IT-85 is driven off the tube output stage and output transformer of the power amplifier section thus making it an ideal high performance pure tube headphone amplifier for headphone aficionados.