Sonance Speakers

Sonance reference, center channel, in-wall, in-ceiling speakers and subwoofers are available for audition and purchase at our expansive showroom. For more information or questions, call the shop at (619) 223-8151

Industry Recognition

Speakers > Sonance

When it comes to the custom installation industry, no other company has consistently received more recognition and accolades than SONANCE. Celebrating 35 years in the industry as a recognized leader, SONANCE is proud of its achievements and continues to strive for innovation excellence.

With six CEDIA (Custom Electronics Design and Installation Association) “Hall of Fame” awards, SONANCE is recognized as the inventor of both the Architectural Speaker and the Invisible Speaker categories. 

SONANCE is also the only company to have won over eleven highly coveted CEDIA “Best new Product” awards over the years. In addition, founder Scott Struthers has received the prestigious CEDIA “Lifetime Achievement” award for his contributions to the industry. 

Stereo Unlimited carries Sonance reference, center channel, in-wall, in-ceiling speakers and subwoofers.

If not available in store, we can order it. Please call the store for more information on Sonance speakers: (619) 223-8151